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Consumable Love ARC Application

*Before continuing, please read the important information below.


I appreciate your interest in being a ARC reader for Consumable Love!


By filling out this form you are agreeing to receive a free and advanced digital copy of Consumable Love in exchange for an honest review. Not everyone will be chosen to be an ARC reader, but if you are, you will be notified by email the first week of March!


By filling out this form you are also agreeing to not distribute or share your copy.


Sign-ups close on March 5th and digital copies of Consumable Love will be distributed by email in March with BookFunnel. ​Book reviews can be left on Instagram and BookTok, Goodreads, and Amazon on release day.


Saying that I'm excited you are here is an understatement! Thanks for taking the time to fill out the form :)


> Click here for the Consumable Love Blurb


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